Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OMG this is so boring~!!!
too much time on hand now~
clearing leaves and offs...
People please call me out for some outing before i turn mouldy.
Actually everyday got the privilege to sleep till 12pm not that bad =)

But nothing to do at home seriously boring.
Not like when i am still dancing actively in school even on holidays i went back.
But now being not so emotionally attached to the club, the feeling of going back is quite a hassle.
Now instead of being as busy as hell like in March, April is exactly the opposite of it. Too much free time and less dancing.Holy crap.

Finally Danz People Recital item is almost done i think left a few more 8s.
Surprisingly Ash compliment us for doing a good job for Skippin' choreo =)
ARGH..tml going back to camp like finally.
Good News no GUARD DUTY. But still i have to stay in camp till 10pm =(
But at least not so bad~
after that going to study for degree =))
damn back to study life.
But b4 school start i feel like working part time in USS~!!!!mm must get the details tml then JIO TERENCE AND AARON to work tgt.

haha okok now we shall rmb if we are watching English movie don ask alston out~!LOL
gathering with BMT frens is still the best. Hope we always stay in contact man =))

well i was bored~!

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