Sunday, May 16, 2010

Yesterday i guess was the most tiring day ever.

Woke up at 7.30am and took train to the Airport immediately after breakfast. Bored!
Suppose to reach at 9.45am while i was there slightly earlier so i went to the bombastic toilet for a dump -.-

After that we were all brought to the holding area and waiting for the right time to do the flashmob. Well before everything start, some of us were like planning on where to sit and what to do around that area. Then we saw like so many people sleeping there then we start crapping.LOL

And finally like about 12plus, we strike the crowd off guard and did the flashmob. Haha i manage to shocked an ang moh like standing beside him and suddenly i started dancing. My friend said his expression was epic! But well the crowd is actually not very big. Hopefully the next one will be great!

After the mob,went to popeye with Pris, Sherry, Elf and Sandra(*i think, shit i am bad at remembering names). Didnt had an appetite at all thanks to the Mee Goreng the day before.

It was still early then because i am heading to YMCA for Pro-Am. So after the rest left, Sandra and me were like too much time to waste so we took every opportunity to waste our time to reach our destination-.-

Finally wasted hell lot of time, i reach Dhoby Ghaut. Saw Josh, Zac, Jia hao x 2. We proceed to YMCA for PRO-AM.

The event started at about 6pm i think. 39 contestant, unfortunately i wasnt selected to be in the top 12. So i asked Ben like what did i do wrong/what should i do. Well the explanation was shocking. Because i thought i screw up, but infact its just that my point was the top 12. My execution wasnt as good as those in top 12. He gave me tips to improve on. Well so i guess its a level up =) Haha another thing is also i wasnt nervous at all for the audition. Hope that i can improve and get into the top 12 for the next Pro-Am. =)

on the side note: Rooftop battle/cypher/jamming is totally a whole new experience. For once i thought i wasnt in Singapore. 10 level off the ground, enjoying the breeze =) awesome.

After Pro-Am its like FB + jw supper. I was the only non FB people there -.-
After the supper we chiong back to MRT Station to train home.
Oh..oh,oh,oh my god damn tired day.

And as for today, got a last minute call to teach the Flashmob choreography we learnt that day. My assistant was Soul and Judy. Had a great time teaching, the people there more or less got the steps except some of them, just hope they wont forget =p. I know it myself that i didnt really did a great job teaching them because even i myself wasnt prepare to teach as everything was kinda last minute. But somehow still manage to get the job done. Thanks Soul and Judy =).
Had alot of fun teaching, but erm something happen and i wish to keep within 3 of us only hush hush ar!LOL

Finally my weekend ended with a BANG!
Now i am here typing this entry and watching anime.
Cant focus, body very lethargic. Dont want to move.

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