Monday, October 4, 2010

hihi people...

1 week haven been blogging?
Haha busy busy beezy like a bee....
Same thing dance dance dance
Monday to Sunday WTF!!!!

Mug-ed for my accounting assignment last week. Marketing this week =((
but lucky this week my dancing schedule is totally cut down by like 80%
Yes finally a shirt break =D

Last Thursday was our RMIT Bash in Zouk...
All of us just had a very 'sian' feeling going to Zouk
We just thought that its gonna be a boring and down one.
But we manage to spice that night up ourselves. Accounting oi~~~~~

We drink we drank we drunk.
Only i ended up the worst -.-
I drank the most and fastest -.-
Yes suicidal !!!!
Vomited like duno how many times -.-

But its the aftermath -.- my gastric chui until i don have appetite for 2 day -.-
Had only 3 pieces or bread as my meal.
But i am feeling good already =D

Then Saturday is FISH outing with SA peeps...Basically my junior...haha yea i am a freaking old man!
Had a lot of fun...Finally get to see HF!!! Wa lao you this bias thing =x....
Then blah blah blah....Slept at 4+am then need to wake up at 10+am to prepare for extra rehearsal before O School vetting.
It was fun!!! So much fun then the other recital i did =x...
All i can say when FUNK dancer come together, we only know what is enjoyment =D
I guess our item was alright...its no where near bad and not yet impressive....
With O school recital ending late, i missed my PA rehearsal! Fuck gonna get screwed big time again....=(((
Its so unfair =(!!!

Alright i gonna eat lunch and prepare to go for my Marketing Proj Meeting!!!
Ciao...adio...zaijian, bye, sayonara, joi kin!!!!

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