Thursday, November 12, 2009

Finally my birthday is over...
21st just zoom pass me le. Man really getting old.
Thanks to everyone that celebrated with me & wishes me=)
Had 3 cakes and many many present woot outstanding!!!

There are lots of people i wanna thank=)
Actually got the thought of naming everyone but then i realise i will take 1 whole day to type out the list.
Yes i am so touched because didnt expect so many people to wish me=P

I also wanna thanks SA/INTENSIFY for giving me a surprise ytd in school before dance rehearsal start=) the cake is PRETTY/COLORFUL/ULTRAMAN(btw ultraman the eyes glowed in the dark de lo).

Thanks Mei Xian and Wei Liang for the shoes =) i think i owe u both 10cent horz(superstitious)....LOL...really sweet to receive a handmade gift or rather a DIY present. AND I WILL DEFINIETLY WEAR IT!!!

This year's wishlist is close to perfect=) got almost everything i asked for =)
What a special 21st birthday =))

Thanks to the people who are with me all this long =)

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