Saturday, November 14, 2009

What a great day today...Thought that i got dance rehearsal till evening but Popping item was cancelled without me knowing. HOHO so got back home early after lunch with VOLLAZ.

Decided to watch 2012 with a few of Vollaz members but all the cinemas were so packed.
Me and gary keep going different cinema webby to check for available seats.
We actually gave up. But me being so desperate to watch this movie, kept thinking where else has cinema with big theater. Like 15mins later i realise OH BUGIS SHAW!!!

Haha i booked the ticket online immediately.

rushed down to bugis and we were just on time for the movie. It wasnt booms or great but it was worth the $$. its close to 3hrs long.
Throughout this whole movie i was thinking only about you & only you.
thinking that if 21-12-2012 were to really come, i will spend my time with you and protect you from anything that is gonna happen. Just like wat Curtis did in the movie.
though we are world apart now, my feelings for you nv fade, not even the slightest.

oh sry that i got too carried away with my emotions.

carry on, Alfred, Gary, Soul, Judy and me (the usual movie khakis) went to MAC to claim our FREE FRIES MILKSHAKE AND APPLE PIE...LOL had a crazy experience there crapping abt all sorts of rubbish. But the CLASSIC moments was when Soul and Alfred on the train doing chinese opera lol laugh till i tear...Tats damn bad. super unglam...and and and 5 ppl sharing 4 seats like how fillipinos do whenever they take the train. BUT WE DID IT...super ps...but then haha this is wat i call bonding =)

always had a great time with the few of them =) hope every saturday wil be this havoc =))


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