Thursday, January 14, 2010

i got no idea why some many of my friends asking me whether am i in love.
I mean i would like to be in love but i need a partner right?HAHA

Realise that is so hard to be in love again or start again due to the downfall of my past.
Even though i like a girl i don't think i have the confident like last time to ask.
I even have the mindset that i will get rejected already. So why bother right?
And partially i also have a feeling that the girl already had someone in mind/attached.
Seriously i dont why so much thoughts are running through my mind =(
mm should dance more to forget depressing moments.

Well whatever the case i am not in love.So ya no more questions...LOL

Alright i need to worry about my diarrhea more than anything now =| T_T

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