Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today pledge the last day of the longest holiday of the year for NSF like us.
Mix feeling...After enjoying about 3 weeks of break, tomorrow is my judgment day with the forest for 3 days.
What a day to start my first day of work. Outstanding! (if u guys can feel my sarcasm)

Damn i really cant bear to leave home or my past 3 weeks for routine life back to camp man. Back to regimental life, short hair, no punk. FML!

Been so long since i stay in contact with a few of my friends. Well this new year really made a difference already. Chatted with a friend about so much thing, thats is also the reason why i slept so late last night.

Well not only last night, it's been like 2 weeks that i slept at 3/4am without even knowing WTHeck i am doing. Waking up at 2/3pm.Ultimate shiokness.

Today i shall be a good boy and stay at home plus sleep early!!! Latest 11pm!!!!
ok shall go treasure the time i have now....CIAOZ

don't even know why i blog -.-

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