Sunday, February 7, 2010

Musical Ended.
Lots of emotion running through.
And yea won't be able to see you again i guess.
but it doesn't matter anymore.

Everybody already start to miss musical and suffering from POST MUSICAL Syndrome.
Well of course i am one of those that suffered too.LOL
I will definitely miss everyone and would like to thanks everyone giving me the chance to work with you all.
Thanks Rene for inviting me back for this musical
Thanks Terrence to let me be in your item
Thanks Ms Ong to give me the opportunity to dance with all other alumnis
Thanks Dorinda for allowing me to perform with FB
Thanks Alex to let me into your item!

In this musical i've get to know so many friends!People from different clubs!AWESOME!
Being in different clubs, didn't stop us from making everything possible, because DANCE is the UNIVERSAL language between all of us.
As i am typing this entry, i am already missing every single moments i have had in this musical; scolding, laughter, tears, jokes ETC ETC ETC ETC!
So many things to write but i don't wish to bore you all with words....
Just drop by my facebook to take a look at the photos/video we all have taken.
I believe pictures and video are more then enough to express my blog entry.

AND FARHAN: Yes we shall be the committee and plan what is going to happen at the end of this year!

Finally no more late night rehearsal...but up next is Floor The Love 2010.
Shall work hard! =D

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