Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hi i am finally here again!
Was being rushed to blog an entry since the previous one was quite some time ago.

Well quite a hype week.
Monday - Got called up to work last minute before my job briefing.
The whole thing actually goes like that.
10am someone called, but i was still sleeping so i cant really remember what i told that guy on the phone. But i know its about work. I only replied not interested. Then i when back to sleep. Guess what 11am i receive another phone call to replace someone at work. At first i was so reluctant to go down, but i heard that the person i am going to replace is damn sick, being a nice guy i went down and partially for the sake of accompany TERENCE WONG to work if not he will nag/bitch about me always flying his kite! =x
After telemarketing, i went straight for job briefing. I cant wait for the job briefing to end because initially i am suppose to meet someone. But i waited and waited and got no reply thus i went home alone with a hungry stomach. Should have eaten the SOBA with Bird & Nat, Nichols, Jerome and Jasmine.
Tuesday - Work for an event.
Woke up damn early to report for work! Reach Raffle City at 6.40am. YES OMFG!
Work starts at 7am. Basically just usher people into the event and play host to them. At first we were given script to memorise what to say, then nichols and me forgot about it and got so worried but after handling like 3 delegate, we were so used to what to say already!Means the script was totally redundant-.-
We stood for the whole event!WTF! mm let me recap. work start at 7am and end at 5.30pm can u believe it? i stood for freaking 10hours excluding break. But i have got to say if i were to work again i dont mind because the food there is AWESOME TTM!!!
And so after work, all of us went for a dinner. Then they suggested to go Cuscadan to drink. I opted out for the drink but i said i dont mind chilling around with them. Then guess what, they offered me to drink until i was damn sober and so close to drunk. Well i admit that i am not a good drinker thats why i said i dont want anymore =(. But well the most important thing is that all of us had fun. RIGHT JASMINE! =x
Wednesday was totally uncool. I need to rest as......i totally forgot what happened that day except i remembered finally i won a Dota match when my team own the opposition upside down. But whatever.....Like i give a shit. Well wednesday was reserved for me to relax and rest at home since the work on tuesday is starting to give me an impact of the tiredness =x
Thursday - Interview for job/Shopping with Terence/LA Hiphop class
Meet up with Terence in the afternoon for an interview. But guess what? The company only ask us to fill in a form and say wait for second interview. Ter and i was like WTF!might as well e-mail and save all our time! A wasted trip down. We then decided to head to Town to do some GSS shopping. But Ter being the one suggesting that we should shop, ended up only i am the one that bought a shirt! But well i think the shirt look nice to wear so well not much of a complain then.
Had a simple dinner then head to O School for class. Zaihar's LA Hiphop is crazily awesome. He teach O.M.G and all of us was like OMG when he did his solo mm I guess now every thursday i know what i got to do. Attend his classes!!!!!Regular liao!!!
Friday - Fabian's Wedding
Woke up 2pm today -.- Had brunch at 3pm -.- Left house at 4pm to Fort Canning to Fabian's Wedding. Need to be there early so can help out with some stuff. Well i will leave the crap of the preparations and the photo-taking to aside.And finally get to see my camp mates after 1 month!Great spending a TGIF with all of you. And YanShi dont be so down already, i know how you feel! Mm first time attending a friend's wedding, i can see the effort both of them put in to make this wedding a BLAST! The video was so touching and to be frank tears almost flow out because how i wish i have someone to love! Fabian, once again congratulations! The food was awesome too. But one thing i got to comment the waiter for ONLY OUR TABLE SUCK~!seriously he doesnt take initiative/careless/rude/unhygienic/didnt WTF he was doing! It was so bad that we had to complain to the supervisor and wrote the feedback form in the most nasty way ever! Yes its that bad! But still Congratz to FABIAN and JEAN!!!! Happy Newly Weds.
mm and here i am blogging!Because weekend is gonna be so boring filled with no plans -.-

mm talk to *** about it and i am ****.
I feel like a hangman because there is so much uncertainty.
But i got a feeling that its gonna turn out to be nothing =(
fingers cross. Pray for the best =).

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