Monday, November 22, 2010

mm haven been here for very long.....
Because i was so busy with DANCE =D
O School recital 2010 is DOPESHIT TO THE MAX YO~!

Ok shall update what happened recently =)

My birthday was normal one...Outing with friends and new friends that we met in the dance competition!

Oh ya talking about the competition, IMP7CT won the K-Pop Dance Battle.
We were shocked and seriously didn't really expect that.
I am no boastful about it. But all the other teams were so strong we thought we didn't stand a chance.
Everything happened by just a random comment :"Eh wanna join this comp anot"
What we bring back after the competition in not only the prizes
But the new friendship,experience and so many things.
I can't thanks enough to friends and family that supported us and cheering for us!
Even though the competition ended 2 weeks already, all of us still suffering from the POST K-POP syndrome. Everytime anyone mention SHOCK, IMP7CT, it will automatic grab my attention! haha so now you all know if you want my attention!

Ok back to birthday. I wanna thanks HALF of IMP7CT and Infinite degree being there with me celebrating my birthday @ fish & co. Thanks Yi liang daughter for the lovely present =) and IMP7CT for the treat =)!!

Serious sometimes i am wondering why i am trying to hard being nice to people that i am a nobody to them unless they need my help? All the promise made by them can be broken easily. Serious i really should stop being nice to everyone. This is a very good wake up call!

And anyway, THANKS to winning the competition, my this year of wishlist 'SKULL CANDY HEADPHONE' is being fulfilled. Decided to drop Poreotics shirts because tried to order but the shipping fee cost a bomb like omfg! mL shirt is still waiting for stock! other than that no present this year =(. But well having so much dance fun in the month of NOV is good enough. Dancing for O School recital is such a awesome experience!

Sorry for the long post, since i haven been blogging for so long =x
And son birthday! we had last full dress rehearsal @ o school.
But before that, GK, JOV and me went down to DTE to prepare.
Well i didnt really do much because GK and JOV did a super duper great job for making everything happen!!! I would prolly be touched too!
And of course thanks to the courtesy of alfred,
<3 and me is able to stay in the chalet for other day since its a 3D2N chalet but the rest cant stay.
Yes < i said before that day we are just dating couple not official!
But 171110 is the day we are officially together!
We might not date for long, but we do have alot of things in common!
We believe we will be able to give this r/s a all out and make everything work =)
And seems like most of my friends somehow approve her without any objections =p...
HAHA... so if you people are wondering why 171110 was on fb status the other day, now you all know =)
But we didnt really like anyone to comment much about our r/s so we wont be really like publicize. So we wont really talk much about r/s =)

Alright now shall go straight to O SCHOOL RECITAL 2010~~!!!!
3 shows! Performance level gets better show after show!
Actually thats what the choreographer said most of us duno how true is that because we haven watch the video yet! But all of us definitely GAVE ALL OUT!
I was right auditing for locking and popping for this year's recital!
I enjoyed so much because doing a genre you like makes everything so easy and enjoyable! and imagine the whole item is your friend makes it double the fun!
But of course i am not going to show off how locking item was dope,
HAHA because this year recital the standard of dance is so freaking HIGH until i cant believe my friends missed the show. only a few of my friends attended but well SCAPE has this lonely corner for people like us =(( right aloy? haha
But well the only way to console ourselves is that BECAUSE ALL OF OUR FRIENDS ARE PERFORMING ON THE SAME STAGE AS US! and performing on that stage is just an activity for us to enjoy LOCKING on the stage!!!Performing for ourselves and not anyone else!
But i still want to thank those people that came down to watch!
Rabiah ( though u are physically not here but your call and flower really is enough already sis )
Diane, ESTHER ( thanks for the elmo ), Pat,Fred's parents,JOV (thanks for the flower and candy cane),Julian,Georgina,MJ ppl, FB, NRA, DWZ.

Thanks IAN and FONG for allowing us to be in this item! The chosen dancer are dope as hell! dancing along with 19 passionate lockers, what else can i asked for! we grew together, we had fun together! all those bonding session we had! Its an experience that i will never forget and i will bring with me to my grave!!!! The BBQ session, dance session,late night training, chiong-ing for last train, monopoly deal-ing and so many more! I miss every single one of u! I am so going to make my every monday free so i can go and session with you all!!!!

Ok i typed so much and i know my entry doesnt make any sense anymore because i just randomly type whatever thing that come into my mind! BUT I AM SO GOING FOR RECITAL 2011!!!! So many item i wanna try! Maybe Zaihar's item next? haha or contemp jazz?reggae?popping? or MAYBE I SHALL STICK BACK TO LOCKING =D....

OKOK end of entry =p
Nexts up chiong for danzation!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yo i am back
This is my wishlist for this year =)

Mostly its caps =p...

NY New Era 7 1/8 or 7 1/4


NY New Era 7 1/8 or 7 1/4


NY New Era 7 1/8 or 7 1/4


NY New Era 7 1/8 or 7 1/4


Elmo and Cookie Monster New Era 7 1/8 or 7 1/4

from: i duno where too =(. Link that my friend showed me

mL Tee


Poreotics Tee


Skull Candy Headphone

from: i duno where. LOL

And any other Ultraman related stuff =))

But i just got a feeling that this year birthday gonna be dull =(

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally exams are over for THIS sem!
Hope i dont ta bao any module...smooth smooth pass jiu hao =)

Today was last paper~
Damn shag~imagine your body use to sleep at 4am....
But thanks to today paper at 10am, i tried to sleep at 12am the night before but guess what in the end i didnt sleep at all -.-

Then after my paper,
Head down to O School straight for practice before vetting....
I was so tired, I bought RED BULL for the first time for energy boosting!
Seriously i never buy RED BULL for this purpose before!
Thats how extreme tired i am~!!!!

Now nua-ing infront of my laptop typing this~and i shall upload my wishlist tml
And see how much i can fulfil by my next birthday!!!

Tired....just blog for the sake of blogging only~!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Alright last entry before i head to full study mode~
I must force myself to not go online for more than 2 hours per day!
Don't really know what to blog about =x

Alright shall talk about O School Recital!! This year's standard is HIGH to a point that i can pee in my pants during vetting!!!
Every item is so strong!!! I will step up my standard too!!!!
Other than that i have got nothing much to say
But well at least Locking Item dancers are kinda bonded!!!

Well don't know what to say anything!!!
When i saw your sms i kinda miss you~! Hope to meet up soon!! =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

hihi people...

1 week haven been blogging?
Haha busy busy beezy like a bee....
Same thing dance dance dance
Monday to Sunday WTF!!!!

Mug-ed for my accounting assignment last week. Marketing this week =((
but lucky this week my dancing schedule is totally cut down by like 80%
Yes finally a shirt break =D

Last Thursday was our RMIT Bash in Zouk...
All of us just had a very 'sian' feeling going to Zouk
We just thought that its gonna be a boring and down one.
But we manage to spice that night up ourselves. Accounting oi~~~~~

We drink we drank we drunk.
Only i ended up the worst -.-
I drank the most and fastest -.-
Yes suicidal !!!!
Vomited like duno how many times -.-

But its the aftermath -.- my gastric chui until i don have appetite for 2 day -.-
Had only 3 pieces or bread as my meal.
But i am feeling good already =D

Then Saturday is FISH outing with SA peeps...Basically my junior...haha yea i am a freaking old man!
Had a lot of fun...Finally get to see HF!!! Wa lao you this bias thing =x....
Then blah blah blah....Slept at 4+am then need to wake up at 10+am to prepare for extra rehearsal before O School vetting.
It was fun!!! So much fun then the other recital i did =x...
All i can say when FUNK dancer come together, we only know what is enjoyment =D
I guess our item was alright...its no where near bad and not yet impressive....
With O school recital ending late, i missed my PA rehearsal! Fuck gonna get screwed big time again....=(((
Its so unfair =(!!!

Alright i gonna eat lunch and prepare to go for my Marketing Proj Meeting!!!
Ciao...adio...zaijian, bye, sayonara, joi kin!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well whenever i blog means there is something in my mind that i cant voice out =/

I don't know how to put my feelings into action.
But somehow i got affected without knowing how.

I have no idea when did it started.

I know this entry doesn't make any sense.
Its a way i use to hide what i am trying to say.
A way for me to vent out whatever that is in me!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fuyoooo a pack of dust~~~

Sorry for not updating my blog as often~

Have been very busy with school and DANCE especially.
For the pass few weeks, I have been dancing everyday..seriously omg.
Yes everyday means Monday to Sunday....

But finally the first round of competition has ended and crew training is not that intensive until nearing Semi Finals....

This friday mark the end of test. After that means its exam....
Omg before that at least i can take a small break....

Recently have been very close to IMP7CT.
It seems like i am the old fart of the crew sharing my boring experience.
Leading my juniors through this competition.
But my intention is of course not to bring them out to gain experience!
My target is to win!!!! I believe we got the potential to do it!

Alright enough of sharing my LOVE for IMP7CT.

Well i guess i sick and tired of being single.
But i don't know what i should do.
Seriously i think i already lose touch of relationship.
What and how its should go/be.
Or am i not ready?
mm i always wish i could be together with someone that share the same passion.
But seems tough....
But i always hope i could/able to take care of that someone
and not make any more silly mistake that i use to make.

But i don't know how to take the first step.
=( sad seal!!
Well or am i gonna wait until the time is right?
Despite being single for so long and long for a relationship,
My dance-mates has never fail to take lonesome out of my life =)

If i had the chance i would like you to know how much i want to be with you =D