Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2 more days to ORD~!

Not excited at all because like my camp mate said. My life is like a civilian when i go on leave and off as its a super long break away from camp and i only go back camp once a week.

Haha nothing much to blog about just that yesterday while in camp, talk to most of my superior some rubbish talk and some causal talk. Well their attitude towards me has changed drastically. And plus some of my camp mates abit too emotional....LOL everything also follow my instruction. Eh come on la its not like i am dying and fulfil my wish what!

Well yesterday time pass kinda slow in camp to me. All of us were like "wa lao the time pass super slow eh". Surprisingly the day being to hard to pass time, i didnt sleep at all, infact not that i didnt sleep, is i cant sleep =( not tired enough.LOL.

Leaving army is not tough. But friends that i have made inside, i will definitely miss you all, like what Harith said maybe next year we can gather all together as ORD personnel =). Thanks Sihao for the cap from TAIWAN! And Hanwei i guess that day will be the last day i hitch a ride on your Posche LOL.

But well yesterday was also another great night because finally i exposed myself into House dancing. Learn some basic stuff, thanks justin PENG! Meet new friends like Terrence Tan, since the rest that came for the session are my friends. Hope i can learn more different genre of dance!!!

Well kinda bored and dont know what to do. Finding part time job now plus awaiting for my Degree Application whether did i get into the course i want~

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