Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi people i am back again
mm haven been here for a long time!!!

Nothing much happen except Stress
School load is piling up despite the second going on third week of school =(
Stuck with project for my part....
Test floating nearer and nearer omg!!!
Fine shall not talk about it!

Alright lets blog something about my life!!!
Ever since i was invited back to NYP to perform,
i find that my bond with my junior has become stronger!
So much stronger!!!
Got closer to everyone of them
That i thought it was a bond that i have lost and couldn't regain back!
But suddenly its just like how it was use to!
Sorry if it doesn't make sense =p

My ties with both sister SHARLENE and TREASA were so much closer!
Huifang ( well i am grateful that at least we are good friends now )
Rabiah of course our bond were so much tighter!!!
like the whatever 91happykids/retards clique and all!!!

Actually i was really surprise that i made so many friends just by going back to NYP. Suddenly i feel that i am not alone and definitely there is also someone i can go out with =D...

I <3 S.A.D

Random post =ppppp
Study mood!!!

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